
Today I spent a little time learning how to add images to candles so I could teach a class on the technique. This is really fun and so easy to do. You just need a few items to make your own decorative candles.



White Tissue Paper

Heat Gun


Cut tissue paper to the size of the candle if you want it to wrap around the full candle.  For the one shown in this post I just cut it large enough for the stamps to fit.   Once you have your tissue paper cut to size, simply stamp on the wax side of the tissue paper.  Lay the tissue paper over your candle and heat it up with the heat gun. Take care to do small sections at a time so you don’t make dents in the candle. The wax may drip a bit on the bottom so be careful not to burn yourself.  As you heat you will see the paper fade into the candle. Once you are happy with the results just let it cool and decorate with ribbon if you wish.

These are the supplies I used:

Product List




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