Let’s Keep Busy while Social Distancing

Keeping busy while at home helps us all feel better. Last month I had a huge customer event right before everything changed and social distancing became something we needed to think about. Some of the cards we did at this event were very simple and fun. I’ll be doing a bunch of write up’s on these cards on my blog so you can make them at home. I did use retired products in some cases because this was simply just a fun event to help us all use up some of that DSP we all love to hoard. Even if you don’t have the stamps and paper that I used it will give you a base for using with just about anything you have at home. I have extra kits of some of these cards so for anyone who’s ordered from me in the past 6 month’s you will get something from me in the mail unless you came to the event and already have all of the cards I’m about to feature.


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